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How to Prepare

Before registering, please have the following information handy…

  1. Legal Organization Name 
  2. Federal Tax ID
  3. Website 
  4. How Much Do You Think You’ll Spend on Gift Cards Annually

If some of this information does not apply to you, please put “N/A” in the designated form field.​

All Set?

A Bit More On How it Works

When your school purchases a minimum of $1,000 in Hannaford gift cards (on behalf of their supporters), Hannaford gives a 5% discount on your total order.

So, for an order of $1,000 in gift cards, you earn $50.. It’s that simple!

You may either (1) take orders and payment from your supporters for gift cards and place an order based on those requests or (2) order gift cards using your organization’s money and then sell the gift cards. We recommend with either process that the organization set the denominations for which the cards may be ordered (i.e., $25 & $50). This makes the distribution of the gift cards more manageable for the program’s administrator(s). It is completely up you to decide which method will work best for you. Your organization receives 5% off the total order with each order placed for a minimum of $1,000.

The 5% discount adds up quickly and is being used in many different ways:

Schools take orders from families and community members on a regularly scheduled basis. As part of the process, the additional gift cards are sold at face value to supporters and the funds are used towards the organization’s financial needs.
Alternatively, the gift cards are used at any local Hannaford store to purchase food and other school supplies.

Sample Results

Hannaford Bulk Gift Card Fundraising Program Sample Results