The Power of Social Capital to Generate Leads


Customized LinkedIn Invites and Emails Per Week


Average LinkedIn Acceptance Rate


Meetings Per Week On Average

Some of Our Successful Campaigns That Generate Leads


Connection Rate For TFA Alumni in IT


Meetings Per Week For Irish Accounting Firm


Response Rate For Deloitte Alumni in Pharma

Keys To Our Success

Therefore, we utilize our AI-powered Commonality platform and 20+ years of relationship selling experience to help our clients generate leads by leveraging their social capital.

We Identify Prospects That Graduated from Your Alma Mater
Also, We Discover Prospects That Graduated from Your Former Employer
In Addition, We Find Prospects That Also Volunteer At Your Non-Profit/Charity

Our Services


First, we discover your team's social capital. What are your team's key social assets (school, volunteer, former employers, interests, heritage, location, partners, etc.)?


Then, we define your prospect profile and identify prospects that will most likely close deals with you.


After, we determine who at your firm has the highest probability to connect with your prospects through their social capital. Then, we create campaigns that will generate leads.


Finally, we meet with your team weekly to help them identify your prospect profile, conduct networking calls, set up your CRM, generate leads, and much more.

Generate Leads Through Our Dashboard

Example Pilot Campaign Calendar

Month 1

Month 1

1. Determine your prospect profile (industry, title, geography, etc.)
2. Create prospect lists
3. Create and launch campaigns for selected team members (prospect lists and messaging)
4. Provide coaching to ensure team members are ready for conversations with prospects

Month 2

Month 2

1. Provide coaching to ensure team members are ready for conversations with prospects
2. Continue to send outreach to targets via LinkedIn and email

Month 3

Month 3

1. Provide coaching to ensure team members are ready for conversations with prospects
2. Continue to send outreach to target alumni via LinkedIn

What Do Our Clients Say?